Check out your favorite videos and see a few new ones!
Watching videos can help you refresh yourself on key ideas of embedded instruction or share these with your team as you introduce them to key components of embedded instruction.
Learn About Embedded Instruction Videos
An Overview of Embedded Instruction: Watch this video to learn more about embedded instruction and the 3R’s of effective early learning.
Priority Learning Targets in Embedded Instruction: Listen and learn more about priority learning targets.
Finding the Fit in Embedded Instruction: Watch this video to learn about how the what to teach and when to teach components of embedded instruction work together.
High-Quality Activities and Routines in Embedded Instruction: Watch this video to learn about key features of activities and routines for embedded instruction.
The Role of DRDP in Embedded Instruction: Watch this video to hear how the DRDP can be used to support the what to teach and how to evaluate components of embedded instruction.
The Four Components of Embedded Instruction: Watch this video to learn about the what to teach, when to teach, how to teach, and how to evaluate of embedded instruction.
The Activity Matrix in Embedded Instruction: Listen and learn more about the activity matrix.
Embedded Instruction in California: Listen and learn more about California Embedded Instruction Project.
How to Evaluate Embedded Instruction: Watch this video to learn about the three big ideas for How to Evaluate in embedded instruction.
What’s Exciting About Embedded Instruction: Watch this short video to hear embedded instruction team members talk about what’s exciting about embedded instruction.
Overview Videos
Helping Children Learn in Everyday Activities: Watch intentional and systematic instruction in the on-going activities of busy classrooms.
So Many Ways to Learn: Think about the multiple opportunities for children to learn throughout the day.
Mia’s Everyday Learning Opportunities: Remember how Mia’s teacher has designed activities for all children with targeted support for Mia.
What to Teach Videos
Activity-Focused Assessment Transition: Use this video to practice an activity-focused assessment.
Activity-Focused Assessment Free Play: Use this video to practice an activity-focused assessment.
Spaced Trials Lily: See a teacher use spaced trials to provide multiple opportunities for Lily to practice a skill during an activity while having opportunities to engage in other behaviors and skills.
When to Teach Videos
Massed Trials Maxford: Count the opportunities provided to Maxford in just one routine.
Spaced Trials Mia: Count the number of opportunities that Mia has to practice in this short clip while also engaging in other skills as part of the activity.
Distributed Trials Leo: Count the number of opportunities during the day that Leo has to practice.
How to Teach Videos
Complete Learning Trials
Illustration of A-B-C: Review the parts of a simple complete learning trial in an video of Mia and her teacher.
Counting Complete Learning Trials: Count the complete learning trials that Mia’s teachers provided throughout the day.
ABC in Everyday Activities: Watch Matthew’s teacher use a correction procedure to ensure he performs the target behavior.
Complete Learning Trials in Action: Watch this video to see multiple examples of complete learning trials.
Incomplete Learning Trials
Incomplete Learning Trial–No Consequence: Watch an example of a learning trial in which the teacher does not provide a consequence after the child performs the behavior.
Incomplete Learning Trial–No Behavior and No Consequence: Think about what the teacher could have done in response to the child not performing the target behavior.
Components of Complete Learning Trials
Illustrations of Antecedents: Look at an example of an antecedent in a preschool classroom.
Pairing a Prompt with an Antecedent: View a teacher pairing a prompt with an antecedent to elicit the learning target behavior.
Illustration of Positive Consequence: View this video and think about other ways you can provide positive consequences in your classroom.
Correction Procedures: Watch this video to see if you can identify the correction procedure being used.
How to Evaluate Videos
Counting Complete Learning Trials: Watch this video and count how many trials were implemented for each of Mia’s targets.
Collecting Accuracy Data: Record each jump that Maxford makes and determine if it was correct to calculate accuracy.
Collecting Frequency Data: Count how many times Sarina shares an item or object with a peer.
Collecting Latency Data: Use a stopwatch or timer to time how much time elapses between Leo entering the classroom and joining class activities.