User Agreement

Learn about the conditions and permissions for using the website and the embedded instruction materials.

Users of the website are currently or have been enrolled in the Embedded Instruction California Project. Your participation in this project grants you full access to the use of the Embedded Instruction California Website.

By accessing the materials on this website you agree to the following conditions:

  • I have permission to copy, share, and make adjustments of materials for exclusive use in my classroom or with other teachers and coaches participating in the Embedded Instruction California Project professional learning communities (PLC).
  • I do not have permission to copy, share, or make adaptations of materials for distribution beyond my classroom or Embedded Instruction California Project PLCs.
  • I understand that my user data is recorded and it is summarized in a de-identified way (i.e., my name will not be used).

Embedded instruction requires training and support to implement with fidelity. It should be implemented by teachers who have received professional development through the Embedded Instruction California Project. While we encourage you to share the materials with those in your classroom and embedded instruction project PLCs, we recommend you work with your coach if you want to make adjustments to the materials for your classroom. This is to ensure that adjustments support the consistent implementation of the embedded instruction practices.

Materials and resources for the Embedded Instruction California Project are derivatives of the Embedded Instruction for Early Learning Project at the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida. Materials have been adapted and validated for use in California with support from the California Department of Education, Special Education Division and in collaboration with California administrators and curriculum specialists, coaches, teachers, families, and children. The Embedded Instruction California website was developed and is maintained by the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida.

Please contact if you have questions about the website user agreement conditions.